Cadeiras altas

2 products

Descubra nossa coleção selecionada de cadeiras altas projetadas para elevar as experiências das refeições do seu filho. De designs elegantes a recursos práticos, encontre a cadeira alta perfeita para atender às necessidades e estilo da sua família.

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Group image of the 6in1 High Chair in white, beige and grey in a stylish white home | High chairs | Feeding & Weaning | Toddler Furniture - Clair de Lune UKCream and Natural 6in1 High Chair with the seat pad | High chairs | Feeding & Weaning | Toddler Furniture - Clair de Lune UK
Clair de Lune Cadeira alta 6 em 1
Bege/Natural +5
Branco/Natural +4
Cinza/Natural +3
Verde/Natural +2
Areia/Natural +1
Sale price£89.99
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Pink 6in1 High Chair Seat Cushion on the cream and natural high chair | High Chair Accessories | Highchairs | Feeding & Weaning - Clair de Lune UKPink 6in1 High Chair Seat Cushion | High Chair Accessories | Highchairs | Feeding & Weaning - Clair de Lune UK
Clair de Lune 6 in 1 High Chair Seat Cushion
Pink +2
Blue +1
Sale price£14.99
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