Heavily pregnant mum wearing white t-shirt and jeans sat on a chair holding her back | Pregnancy - Clair de Lune UK

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with anticipation and joy, but it's no secret that it comes with its fair share of discomforts. As your body goes through remarkable changes, you might encounter discomforts like back pain, swelling, and more. At Clair de Lune, we're here to provide you with tips and solutions to help you navigate these common pregnancy discomforts with grace and comfort.

1. Battling Back Pain: Carrying that precious bundle can take a toll on your back. To alleviate back pain:

  • Maintain good posture.
  • Use pillows for support while sleeping.
  • Engage in gentle prenatal exercises approved by your healthcare provider.
  • Consider maternity belts or supports to provide extra relief.

2. Soothing Swelling: Swollen ankles and feet are a common woe. Here's how to manage them:

  • Elevate your legs whenever possible.
  • Wear comfortable, supportive shoes.
  • Avoid standing for prolonged periods.
  • Stay hydrated and reduce salt intake.

3. Tackling Tender Breasts: Hormonal changes can lead to tender breasts. Ease the discomfort with these tips:

  • Wear a supportive and well-fitting bra.
  • Use warm or cool compresses for relief.
  • Consider a gentle breast massage to promote circulation.

4. Digestive Distress: Pregnancy hormones can affect digestion. To ease digestive discomfort:

  • Eat small, frequent meals.
  • Stay hydrated and increase fiber intake.
  • Avoid greasy, spicy, and gas-producing foods.
  • Take an antacid to relieve indigestion or heartburn. (Consult your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medications.)

5. Managing Morning Sickness: Nausea and vomiting are part of the package for many mums-to-be. Try these strategies:

  • Eat small, bland meals throughout the day.
  • Keep crackers or ginger biscuits on hand.
  • Stay hydrated with sips of water or clear fluids.

6. Combatting Constipation: Hormonal changes and pressure on your digestive system can lead to constipation. To find relief:

  • Incorporate high-fibre foods into your diet.
  • Stay active and engage in light exercise.
  • Talk to your healthcare provider about safe stool softeners/laxatives.

Support pillows for pregnancy discomfort

7. Sleeping Soundly: Finding a comfortable sleeping position can be challenging. Try these sleep-friendly tips:

  • Use pillows to support your growing belly and legs.
  • Consider a pregnancy pillow for added comfort.
  • Experiment with different sleeping positions to find what suits you best.

While pregnancy discomforts are a natural part of the journey, they don't have to overshadow the beauty of this incredible experience. With a little care, support, and self-compassion, you can tackle these discomforts head-on and focus on the excitement and wonder of the life growing within you.


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