Simple Money Saving Tips For Parents

Simple Money Saving Tips For Parents

Did you know, the cost of raising a child up to the age of 18 can be around £100,000, and with the cost of living on the rise, it's only going in o...
Comparison Between Different Baby Milk Formulas

Comparison Between Different Baby Milk Formulas

So, you’ve decided to feed your baby formula. Whether exclusively or alongside breastfeeding, the next decision is what type of formula to use. Sim...
Car seats

Car seats: Don’t let them drive you crazy!

 It’s often the small things that you forget about as a new parent. In between hospital appointments, baby shopping and the dozens of other time co...
Keeping it classy: our guide to Antenatal Classes!

Keeping it Classy: Our guide to Antenatal Classes!

Being pregnant can be one of the most turbulent times of life. With a great deal of information to remember and new skills to learn, this can be ma...
The Benefits of Using a Moses Basket!

The Benefits of Using a Moses Basket

Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting! It's an exciting journey, and one thing that'll top your priority list is ensuring that your newborn g...
Lullaby Hearts Palm Moses Basket on the Natural Deluxe Rocking Stand | How to Attach the Hood to a Moses Basket | How to series | Blogs - Clair de Lune UK

How to Attach the Hood to a Moses Basket

We've all been there, you're due in a few weeks and in the midst of getting all of your baby's things organised you've taken the Moses basket apart...